Where should we look for the treatment of schizophrenia?

Which path will find the treatment of schizophrenia?

Is schizophrenia caused by organic brain disorders; The investigation of psychiatry should be directed to the brain to cure them.

The schizophrenics are likely to have organic disease and specific disorders in the center of fear. Constant fear ... fear and try to give an interpretation to their fear. It was developed in the delirium.

So I think first there is the feeling of fear after the schizophrenic delirium develops to interpret and give physical substance! To remedy should address the harm they have in their brain's fear center. Then, after no fear, you overcome their delusions.

Today administered sedative drugs which appear to have a positive effect. This is because suppressing the entire nervous system and suppresses the overexited center of fear and thus improving the image of the patient. But this deprives them of functionality.
Should the treatment of schizophrenia in the future to be more targeted.

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