The beauty of nature...

The beauty with numbers, shapes and patterns in nature is impressive.

The shapes of nature based on those standards and those in turn to specific numeric types.

The things in the universe, matter and physical phenomena are everywhere structured on the same principles. The shapes and numbers in the universe is the same everywhere from the smallest to the largest.

The breath of God is to the smallest corner of the universe.

Observing the world around us can say exactly what is going on and what megakosmo in microcosm.

Watching the spirals developed in the flower of daisy flowers and sunflower recognize the shape of our galaxy!

The shapes and patterns and numbers are the same everywhere and not random. Harmonized in a standard savings!

When people travel at night by train, you will see colored lights moving in the night outside the windows of the train. As the train rolls down the rails, rolling between the lights, which have different colors and various provisions.

If we consider that the images of our lives are the same in microcosm, the world we experience and megakosmo, then I can easily see, not only imagine, how to travel between the stars, the planets and galaxies with spacecraft.

The same picture, just showing the lights of the highway and villages by the evening train! It is amazing picture / sight for anyone who has the foresight to understand the analogy to make the comparison.

The figure is the flower of the chrysanthemum, the shape of the snail, the shape of hurricanes and galaxies are the same! It is related to spiral and the golden mean! This is not accidental! This world is the laws of nature.

A drop of water is comprehensive because it wants to include the maximum mass in the smallest possible volume. Like the bubbles in the water and the cells of the hive are pentagons. To contain the maximum volume in minimal surface.

I am sure that the sunlight which mirrored on the water sparkling and certainly parallels with another natural phenomenon. Like the moonlight: if you see with the naked eye would see only a bright moon. If you take pictures, you will see the light surrounding a wreath with a radius of at least double the moon. If you see it through Sita mosquito or glass, you will see that the light forms a cross in the center of the moon.
If you crystallography columns of the Parthenon, then again to form the imprint of the cross. The ancient Greeks show us the harmony of nature!
Anyone can see below the surface, will be surprised!

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