Narcotic drugs destroy the brain ...

It is not difficult to see how much damage can make chemicals to humans either from nature or from the laboratory and known drugs.


Drugs kill, or even better convert into zombies! To convert a shadow of yourself. Your addictive to the body but you do something much worse ... Do you remove the human condition and transform into an animal ...


Drugs all over enslave your soul ... And this is the worst prison because you can not get out and escape. Because drugs are building the prison in your body ...


Let me explain what I mean immediately ...

What would you prefer? To get confronted face to face with a lion or bite your head of a pin that has lethal toxin;


The toxin did not even see with the naked eye ... In fact so little that way and blow the wind will eliminate once and for all ...


On the other hand, the lion in size as a man and large and sharp teeth ... The battle between man and lion is uneven ...


I for one will risk his personal battle with the lion! Because if stung by the toxin is most certainly would die. With the lion have even a glimmer of hope that it will survive ...


This shows what? Out of touch the size of a risk to how deadly! May seem a little harmless powder. How much damage can make a small skonitsa drug-like flour?


Yet this small skonitsa is able to destroy your life! It may not have sharp teeth, can not roaring, but it is deadly and humiliates you until you die. What puts you to steal and kill and end up in jail and make you a parasite on society. Many would prefer a Nobel battle with a lion rather than humiliated by the dust of the drug.


And how drugs and both have a devastating effect on us? This is the way the human brain works. Imagine the brain as a soup ingredient. The components of the brain are in balance and harmony and our thoughts are normal. When we throw it in the soup poison called drugs, they necessarily change the composition of the brain. That is changing up the soup of the brain. Changes and stops at a new equilibrium in which it participates and the poison of drugs. In this new balance our thoughts does not work as good as the first.


When we gradually removed the drug from the blood and brain soup, then disrupt the balance that had been created and the brain asks the drug like crazy in order to maintain the balance. This is the difficult stage in the drug when the drug addict craving the drug.


If you give the brain the drug, then it tries to recover the original balance and create the soup of the initial components. But this can not succeed. It can not be restored to its original state before trying drugs. Therefore we see that many people had stopped the drug after the resume.


So now the drug has managed the worst thing is the thought of enslaved user. It has changed the soup of the brain permanently.


Drugs are heroin, cocaine, cannabis and others.

But drugs are alcohol and smoking.

And alcohol and cigarettes to penetrate our brains and our changing its composition. If it is then often observe that the organization requesting the desperate and can not do without them. It is now dependent on them. He has learned to live and has supported the balance of these harmful substances! And that is when a drinker and a smoker refrain from beverages and cigarettes, we see that they can think logically and then their minds are enslaved to the idea of finding beverages and cigarettes.


Generally these things should not be playing. It is dangerous. What I could personally justify only the moderate use of alcohol. Do not become a daily habit, but it lurks the danger of dependence.


Many people have an energy within them who do not know how to channel. This confusing and are susceptible to try drugs. The solution is very simple and very healthy!

Gymnastics! Sports!

Yes, this is the solution to channel the energy of someone and get away from sirines drugs. Sport is the answer to many problems of man!


Sport trains throughout the body and gives it being. At the same time and gives good mood! I do not know if you noticed, but when one finishes a hard workout, feel exhausted, yet is full of confidence and positive energy.


These are not random. The body of the sport after the brain releases endorphins, which are substances that make us feel happy and have good thinking! That the gym regular exercise while the body and our brain drives the body. At the end of the body rewards us for our struggle and gives us a good mood!


I encourage everyone to try.
And especially in sports that are aerobic exercise such as swimming, football, cycling, running, water polo, tennis and more.

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