Ideas for investments

And why should somebody invest?

If one played a simple strategy game on the computer will understand that when you want to build a quantity (eg money) at a steady pace without other interventions, I'll take too long. But if the pace that make up the amount gradually increased, it will finish much faster, kavalontas an exponential curve.

So, if you expect to make money by saving little by little, it'll take a long time. It is better to invest some money in order to deliver the investment (the same your money) profit, to form the amount you want. If the investment is profitable with a high degree of development, then under exponential will form much faster the desired amount.

So, if it forms a chapter in big or small, the first thought is how to develop profitable investment, not that we will spend on consumer goods.

The decalogue of ependyseon1. Investments are made according to the money available and the time you're willing to wait until you give an investment.

2. Long term investment with almost certain to maintain the principal value of the land purchase and the purchase of gold.

3. Trade is a good case of enrichment, as well as agriculture and animal husbandry under strictly controlled conditions.

4. Even the construction of a site with high traffic and ad placement is a good idea.

5. As well as a house at the time of manufacture discount and then selling it after completion of construction at its normal value / price.

6. The small capital is not a limiting factor investment.

7. To a large short-term gain is almost certainly need to move the boundaries of the law or to violate a few times.

8. Good investment is one that extends the capabilities of our profession and increase our professional opportunities and our professional strength. If we strengthen our profession and we increase our prospects and our choices for more lucrative work / business.

9. The research, invention and discovery is a source of huge profits!

10. The huge short-term profit does not have general prescription.
Should circulate in society, listening to their needs and arrange appropriate public relations and agreements with the appropriate people.

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