Theories for the evolution of species

I feel that the mechanism of evolution and diversification of species is not only a result of the pressure of environmental factors in the genetic material and pre-existing mutations.

Certainly based on the prevailing environmental pressure and surviving specific mutations. But I think that all this is both ways. That is my intuition that the genetic material inherited and modified taking into account the environment.

That if someone lives in sunny warm climates and has dark skin and migrate to the north, tends to have offspring to carry genetic material that responds to this environment: light skin color because you do not need to produce melanin, and a small nose for to reduce heat loss.

I think the inheritance of these characteristics is not random, but the genes for light skin, small nose and priority inheritance in the northern climates, compared with the genes for dark and big nose and not inherited in the offspring at random.

A prerequisite is to have these two options in the genetic parent. The gametes produced by parents have a higher percentage of genes that promote survival in this environment. So is the random genetic composition of gametes.

Perhaps the same genes to behave as a prevailing or remaining with the help of specific proteins associated with DNA and methylated gene and determine which will prevail based on environmental factors.

The mechanism of evolution is still not known and requires further investigation at the molecular level to be detected.

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