Causes and results of economic crisis and the role of the banks...

Sometime after Columbus was an empire called the Spanish Empire.

He began to conquer South America. And succeed! And get all the riches the cultures of the Incas and the Maya. Large quantities of gold again in Spain ... The eminent Spaniards felt that it would not have to ever work again after they had stolen large quantities of gold.


But that never happened. The greed of the Spaniards paid and punished. The quantities of gold bearing, created inflation and gold began to lose its value. And the economy led to the destruction!


Of course then there was the science of economics nor the sophisticated mathematical models to prophesy the outcome of the greed of the Spanish conquerors.


And let us come in today! With the "tremendous progress" in economics and mathematics ... And what we see? That the economy is again on the verge of collapse!

This is again due to human greed! Yes, the economy will still routes to the disaster because people have more money than all want and more!


And immediately explain what happens ... do not think the amount is no coincidence that today we take a minimum wage and we called the generation of 700 million! It is the amount that makes you live on the poverty line and make pawn loans and banks! Modern slavery and slave trade that!


Also speculation that control of these energy sources is tragic. Oil is expensive and gas itself. In my opinion, are due solely to speculation rather than production costs!


By this way speculators amass huge profits at the expense of the whole society ... but smile because I have not thought about the consequences of their actions ... and Consequences resulting from a revolution or overthrow, but by the natural progression of things.


Since the collapse of society will not escape nor the speculators themselves, because they live in the same society. They try not to break down society by offering the minimum wage of 700 euros, but very few and I did not see the short-sighted eyes.


If increased crime and these same speculators will pay. If there is no money for schools and they themselves will live in a society without education and culture. If there is no money for roads and they themselves and their children will lead to existing poorly maintained and dangerous roads.


So we must live in a fishbowl, as the capital of Brazil, where the rich live in skyscrapers and the poor in the favelas. But, in the rich living in skyscrapers in fact created a prison on our way down and through. They always stress the poor and impoverished.


And let's go to the worst scenario, as happened recently in the United States of America, where they have the money people pay for the loans of their homes. So people lost their homes and destroyed a part of society and the banks went bust because they had money from loans. So now trying the United States to save their society from the economic collapse brought on by the greed of banks for more profits.


The ancient Greeks may have made several mistakes, but said things very well: The Protagoras had solved the problem of greed described above. He said "Measure of all humans. That our actions should be to the benefit of human society forever. When prosperous society and protect its citizens, and then prosper individually.


It must understand that speculators are to their advantage to drop the prices on our society, raise wages and leave some money in Treasuries.

The financial crisis is artificial! It's a big lie.

Economic crisis exists because we have agreed we humans arbitrarily do not correspond to money in tangible goods!

And who will represent you say? Nowhere! In the thin air! Much of the money currently generated by wind and is quite a number on their computers.

That some people took loans from banks to buy a home. Banks gave loans to people, regardless if they can pay back or not!

This resulted in accumulated to pay off loans or to put it more simply: promise, payment of the loan granted by the bank. This promises to repay the bank sold worldwide and used as real money, when in fact it only promises that people will pay the loan to.

But people could not repay their loans because it had never afford. Then heard that the system is ready to collapse!

And I ask: how is it possible to crash a system by some banks that lost money? That is more reasonable to assume that these banks at the end of the year will have less profit or even lost money. But why would collapse the entire system?

The answer is simple: because the money they lend the banks are not available anywhere! As the documentary explains 'money as debt', the banks have the right to lend ten times more than they have! So the banks lent money and lost money that never existed and this result can not be bridged by the banking system.

Rather than change the banking system, are the governments and say they need people to support banks and to provide financial support. This is the funniest thing I've heard in my life! It is possible that banks hold around the world wealth in their hands need the help of the world which xezoumizoun?

When the bank lends money has more interest than the rate given to us when deposit. This means that profit is certainly the difference in interest rate.

Also many times the profits of banks is more than the total profits of the rest of society and that means stifling society and suck all the profits. This means that society gives to banks all the money you earn and there is still debt. The whole society has become a vassal to the banks.

Once built the pyramids. And there were slaves who worked and nobles who were told. This thing is happening today is just another form. That the loan contract with the bank, for example mortgage for 30 years, bound to work the rest of your life for the bank!

This is the only way the bank has more profits than the rest of society.

For these reasons, the crisis is fake! All you need to do is to change the terms of the banking system and to account for money in real output and state facilities. That a man be so rich, as much is the production. This seems obvious now but this is not so! Only the poor jobber true! For the rich playing the stock market will be as rich as are the inflated shares.

And I have a question that will prove who is the one that defines today's society ... and answer and why the banks got state aid ...

As we know, all states in the world is indebted to the IMF ... all states without exception ... the United States of America owe, owe England, Germany owes France owes, owes Japan, Russia owes, developing countries owe money ...

But all those who owe money? Where the hell the whole world owes money? The International Monetary Fund represents all states. So all states owe to themselves!? Of course not. It may owe money to yourself! So? All States owe money to banks!

And why not earn a law states and decide that they owe more money? Banks belonging to the states and dependent on them. It is dependent on them. If countries decide that they owe money to banks, they have no way to change this decision.

So what happens? Member is subservient to the banks! They run and not governments. Although ruled by governments, then EXEMPT from the debts of banks. But the banks run the world and do not permit cancellation of debt!

For the same reason and got financial help from the states, ie took all the money from ordinary citizens who are already in debt! As I said earlier, the loss of money and profit was the crisis rather than pay the banks themselves, imposed to pay for all of us from our essential money!

So the banks rule the world, not government nor the people!

How can we change the situation? Above all realize what is happening ... then if all the people demand change banks can not do otherwise because the bankers living in the same community with us! If you do not agree to marginalize them!

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