What is the cause of cancer?

To find the cause of the cancer cells would first have to see what the cancer.

The cells where they receive stress from the environment to react to survive. The reaction starts by introducing the message of the pressure in the core. Perceived by the DNA and proteins are produced to increase the chances of survival of the cell.

For example, when a cell that eats glucose hungry, activates protein that enables it to eat lactose may be present in the environment. If there is not, the cell can produce proteins that allow it to eat the same ingredients.

Thus we see that the behavior of cells not much different from ours! Or rather, ours is not much different from the behavior of cells!

We understand that cells respond to stress with a predetermined way, which is written in DNA. Not react in any way random cells to stress! How do we get cancer? The cells respond properly to stress but nevertheless fail to overcome and die.

In order not to die trying to trigger increasingly primordial genes that give the most robust solution to the problem. Under pressure from the destruction we may accidentally activate genes. Which genes can save the cell, but to destroy the organization.

For example, eating a toxin in our food. This causes oxidative stress and cell damage. The cells react and try to neutralize the substance and to repair the damage. Some are doing it and die. Some manage to survive the production of appropriate proteins.

But in their effort transformed into cancer cells, because activated accidentally and genes that were banned! Other cells in the damaged DNA from the substance and activated cancer genes by itself harmful substance!

The larger the human body regenerates more and more slowly. Mutations have occurred from time to accumulate so are the cells vulnerable to cancerous exallagi.

The result is to create a cancer cell. The rest of the organization understand the anomaly created and destroys the cell. You own the cancer cell to realize that he has escaped the normal functioning and self-destruct.
It is possible that such stories occur daily in our bodies, but the cells are destroyed. Eventually, however, a cell manages to survive and not us understand the immune cells.
Then developed cancer.


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